Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Introductory

The beginning of a new blog! How exciting! Ive never written a blog before, so this will be a bit of an adventure! What might this blog entail in the next couple of years? Perhaps a few of my passionate thoughts, my future plans, the exciting moments that have happened and that will happen! I feel that this is a great opportunity to share with everyone the person that I am!

Where to start?

Considering this is my very first blog ever, we might as well begin to just jibber jabber.
My first couple days at Red River have been memorable, especially with the outstanding instructors!(Not trying to brown nose or anything... But if you're reading this, does it help?!)
My classmates remind me a little bit of my acting classmates back in 2007. (Don't worry guys, this is a compliment!) The outgoing, comedic people that they are have made me feel comfortable in a new environment and for that, I thank them.

Where would I like to go with this knowledge I will gain in the next two years?

Two words- Jennifer Hedger. For those who don't know who she is, she is the leading woman in sports broadcasting for TSN. She is someone whom I admire for changing the way people look at sports news. She is a role model for women who would consider sports, or even broadcasting.
Women and sports? Something sexy about it don't you think?
With that, I'm not saying I would like to go into the sports industry as some sort of sex symbol, but to share my love for sports with the world.




  1. Welcome to blogging, sports fan! Looking forward to future posts. Cheers, Kenton

  2. Kim,

    I share a similar dream. If I could one day co-host SportsCentre with Jay Onrait, that dream would come true. Until then, looking forward to the next two years at CreComm and the almost guaranteed good times that come with it.

    Go Blue/Jets/Fish!

